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Upcoming Events

The Mediumship Trio at:


Shanghai Jazz 

APRIL 30th
7pm- 9pm

24 Main Street Madison, NJ

We are so excited to present at Encore!
During the gallery reading Kimberly, Jill & Rich will bring through evidence and healing messages from your departed loved ones. Richard will also sketch the essence of the spirit communicator and gladly provide you with the sketch of your loved one. The night will also provide a healing meditation and offer proof of the continuity of life.  Not every guest is guaranteed a reading.​

tickets $65



The Mediumship Trio

in Denville

May 14th 7pm-9pm

Inner Soul Wellness
3108 rt. 10 west Denville, NJ

During the gallery reading Kimberly, Jill & Rich will bring through evidence and healing messages from your departed loved ones. Richard will also sketch the essence of the spirit communicator and gladly provide you with the sketch of your loved one. The night will also provide a healing meditation and offer proof of the continuity of life.  Not every guest is guaranteed a reading.​

$65 tickets

Jill, Rich, and Kimberly

The Mediumship Trio
appearing at
Empowerment Studio at SSYN

for a night of mediumship and spirit art!

June 4th 7pm- 9pm
40 Mill Street Morristown, NJ

During the gallery reading Kimberly, Jill & Rich will bring through evidence and healing messages from your departed loved ones. Richard will also sketch the essence of the spirit communicator and gladly provide you with the sketch of your loved one. The night will also provide a healing meditation and offer proof of the continuity of life.  Not every guest is guaranteed a reading.​


tickets $65

june 8.JPEG

June 8th
11:00 am -1:00 pm

The Mediumship Trio 
appearing at
Alora Wellness Spa
105 Cornelia Street
Boonton NJ 07005

During the gallery reading Kimberly, Jill & Rich will bring through evidence and healing messages from your departed loved ones. Richard will also sketch the essence of the spirit communicator and gladly provide you with the sketch of your loved one. The night will also provide a healing meditation and offer proof of the continuity of life.  Not every guest is guaranteed a reading.​
tickets $75

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